

Like all websites, Reagent Tests UK uses cookies to better understand who is visiting the site, and to help us to figure out if we can make the resources we offer more helpful. For example, knowing which websites are linking to us allows us to visit to say “hi”, and hopefully answer any questions that might be raised in discussion forums. We really enjoy engaging with our customers so this is important to us.

We use cookie services from Google Analytics. You can visit this link to find out how to opt-out of Google’s ad-personalisation completely, if you prefer.

These are fully compliant with EU law and do not record any personally identifiable information, such as your unique IP address. We do not use cookies from Facebook.  We do not share your cookies or browsing details to allow other organisations to target with adverts.

We do not use cookies to tell other sites what adverts they can display on our site. In fact, we’ve ditched adverts on our site completely.

We also have some internally managed cookies. We use these:

  • To help us protect the site against would-be hackers. These measure things like how many times someone tries to log in every minute.
  • To allow the site to see if you are logged in to your Reagent Tests UK account.
  • To remember your preferences on the site such as language settings.